So in the spring of 2020 my wife & I setup our aviary for quail. Never never did I think my job would change and I would be moving 500+ miles away. As luck would have it, that's exactly what has happened.
After serious consideration, my wide and I have decided our marriage might not survive tearing this thing down, moving and reassembling it.
It's a 6' X 8' X 7' tall Wings Walk In Aviary
It is held together with cage rings. Lots of them. It has also been covered with hardware cloth. It's held on there with zip ties.
Weight is listed as 272 lbs. on their website. I do not remember if that's a ship weight or the item weight.
The aviary is sitting on top of a steep hill.
Needs to be gone by the end of March. It's located in Central NJ, Somerset County.
There are about 2 dozen various color patterns Coturnix quail who call it home.
They're up for grabs also. We're thinking we can take a bunch of eggs out to the new place and get them incubating.
Some thoughts:
-- Tearing it down means either removing the hardware cloth or cutting it at the corners to gain access to the cage rings. There are lots of them. I put them on with a pair of cage ring pliers during assembly. Don't know the best way to remove them so the individual panels can be carried away. The hardware cloth is held on with zip ties.
-- It may be possible for a group of strong people wearing gloves and proper footwear to carry it down the hill and load it on a trailer.
-- Another possibility could be to put it on some wheels to roll it down the hill. Would need manpower to tilt & load it. Would also need a rope to prevent runaway aviary.
After serious consideration, my wide and I have decided our marriage might not survive tearing this thing down, moving and reassembling it.
It's a 6' X 8' X 7' tall Wings Walk In Aviary
It is held together with cage rings. Lots of them. It has also been covered with hardware cloth. It's held on there with zip ties.
Weight is listed as 272 lbs. on their website. I do not remember if that's a ship weight or the item weight.
The aviary is sitting on top of a steep hill.
Needs to be gone by the end of March. It's located in Central NJ, Somerset County.
There are about 2 dozen various color patterns Coturnix quail who call it home.
They're up for grabs also. We're thinking we can take a bunch of eggs out to the new place and get them incubating.
Some thoughts:
-- Tearing it down means either removing the hardware cloth or cutting it at the corners to gain access to the cage rings. There are lots of them. I put them on with a pair of cage ring pliers during assembly. Don't know the best way to remove them so the individual panels can be carried away. The hardware cloth is held on with zip ties.
-- It may be possible for a group of strong people wearing gloves and proper footwear to carry it down the hill and load it on a trailer.
-- Another possibility could be to put it on some wheels to roll it down the hill. Would need manpower to tilt & load it. Would also need a rope to prevent runaway aviary.