Anyone else deal with passive aggressive chicken people at TSC?


May 6, 2024
I was minding my beeswax in TSC getting some more feed for my lards and a new feeder. Disgruntled lady then launched me nearly into the stratosphere with her cart and grumbled an “excuse me” whilst doing so. Proceeded to pick up a bag of mealworms and run me over again to get out. This is not the first time this has happened and it’s only in the chicken aisle with chicken people… Just me?
I was minding my beeswax in TSC getting some more feed for my lards and a new feeder. Disgruntled lady then launched me nearly into the stratosphere with her cart and grumbled an “excuse me” whilst doing so. Proceeded to pick up a bag of mealworms and run me over again to get out. This is not the first time this has happened and it’s only in the chicken aisle with chicken people… Just me?
I'm friends with our TSC people, so no.
I was minding my beeswax in TSC getting some more feed for my lards and a new feeder. Disgruntled lady then launched me nearly into the stratosphere with her cart and grumbled an “excuse me” whilst doing so. Proceeded to pick up a bag of mealworms and run me over again to get out. This is not the first time this has happened and it’s only in the chicken aisle with chicken people… Just me?
I haven’t had that happen although there are some… questionable people I have come across at my TSC. The chicken aisle at my local TSC is barely a cart wide resulting in me being 3/4 of the way down when some absolute genius decided to pull in when I am clearly just trying to get out of the chicken aisle as I got everything I need and then just stare at me like I have 84 heads wondering my I am not backing up when they are literally two feet in. In the two times this has happened one of them backed up after I asked but the other time I had the pleasure of backing up 20 feet almost ripping open multiple bags of food.
I haven’t had that happen although there are some… questionable people I have come across at my TSC. The chicken aisle at my local TSC is barely a cart wide resulting in me being 3/4 of the way down when some absolute genius decided to pull in when I am clearly just trying to get out of the chicken aisle as I got everything I need and then just stare at me like I have 84 heads wondering my I am not backing up when they are literally two feet in. In the two times this has happened one of them backed up after I asked but the other time I had the pleasure of backing up 20 feet almost ripping open multiple bags of food.
Ugh. So sorry that happened.
Makes me so mad!
Not the only one!! As I'm buying my items people(customers and workers) try to school me on how I'm clearly new to this and that grain isn't enough protien for my goats!! Like, what the heck!?

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