Anyone have chick photos of all the different Polish colors?


8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
New England

I have 7 newly hatched Polish chicks. Like my title says, anyone have photos of all the chicks in different colors? I'm not certain if the eggs I hatched are mutt Polish or if they have specific names to the coloring. I'm new to hatching and new to Polish - so it's very exciting for me
What color are you chicks ?

Can you post pics ?

If not feathersite should have pics of all the different color polish chicks, so did the mcmurray hatchery catalog.
Thanks, Josh! I shouldv'e checked my catalogue. Duh!

I'll post photos of them tomorrow. I have them in a brooder in the sunroom and it's been INCREDIBLY humid here. When I went to take photos of them - the camera lens kept fogging up. I'll try again in the morning!

They're mainly blackish looking. Some have what looks like blonde hilights and one other is kind of gray looking? I'm leaning towards them being mutt colors, though. Either way - they're awfully cute. I had no idea their heads were a different shape when born. I wasn't expecting that. I thought the poof was just a poof.... little did I know!
Good idea with feathersite, too.... I found this link .

I think I may have one silver and the rest some sort of golden. I'll photo them and let you guys vote.
Gold Laced Polish


They vary from brown to brown with black to mostly black with hints of brown, depending on lacing quality.

Buff Laced and White are mostly whitish color.

White Crested Blue is gray with a white head.

Silver Laced is gray with hints of black throughout its fluff, like a wolf.
Illia - thank you!

I'll post some photos tomorrow. Will you tell me what you think?

It appears that your little polish is also bearded? Adorable.
I breed bearded Polish. Can't have 'em any other way! (except White Crested varieties. . . . prefer them clean faced)
How can you tell that that lil chick has a beard?
I'm new to chickens and decided on Polish. I'm thinking I have some blues but not sure. I'm gonna take pictures today. I love seeing how their feathers develop!

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