Anyway to stop a crowing hen?

She doesn't have any health issues according to the vet. I just took her recently (three weeks ago) and she was fine.

It's odd. I would consider her more of a 'loner' than the rest, she even finds other places to roost and I have to get her while the others go into the coop when it gets dark. The only difference I've seen with her crowing is she's more likely to do it if there's noise like the garbage truck or construction and less likely if we're out in the backyard. The latter is probably just because she's distracted? Not sure.
She's alerting the others there is possible danger. It's a little different than the crowing sound. Roosters and hens will sound an alarm when they perceive a threat is near.
I have a Polish hen that was dumped in my backyard awhile ago with another hen. They were both in bad condition and I suspect that the previous owner knew I had chickens and decided to dump them there for that reason. I've treated them and they're doing much better! But one of them, Tax Evasion, has started crowing. She seems to be fairly nervous in general. My flock is pretty docile and I've never seen any of them actively picking on her - my two Salmon Faverolles spend a lot of time grooming her and she's good friends with my Silkie. She has a lot of space and the crowing is recent, within the last month, though nothing has actually changed.

Honestly, she's not that loud because she's a hen but I'm also urban and we're not allowed roosters so that worry has been in the back of my mind for a bit. Is there anything I could try to get her to stop crowing? The one thing I've noticed helps is holding/cuddling her but that's not really a long lasting solution because some days I just can't spend ten minutes holding one chicken, y'know?
Unfortunately one of the things i read doesnt seem like it will work for you, but getting them around a rooster. Sounds like you dont want or cant have one but Even if you know someone who would take her for a bit who has a flock with a rooster?
I am in a city and they keep changing the rules about how many hens you can have and whether you can have a rooster or not (horrible since rehoming roosters is hard but also i hate giving up on my fur or feather babies so thats messed up when its forced)
Long story short... i now have a bantam rooster. Hes quieter than most rooster breeds so maybe you could try a bantam? The lil tiny ones. Hes still a friggin man and def still crows but i haven't had complaints again and he barely annoys me even when he crows all day long.

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