App bug


Free Ranging
5 Years
Mar 8, 2019
Ohio, US
My Coop
My Coop
I have been having some issues for a few months with ads in the app. It turns my screen white and the only way out is killing and reopening the app.

The app now no longer will open on my phone. I can switch to Chrome, but wanted to notify BYC.

  1. Are you on a computer, tablet, phone. Phone
  2. If phone / mobile, which model? If computer, which operating system and version? Samsung Note 10+
  3. Which browser and version are you using (eg., Chrome 58.0.3029, Firefox 3.5.9, Internet Explorer 8, etc.) Chrome 98.0.4758.87
  4. Have you deleted your internet cache / browser history of files and tried again? Yes
  5. Have you tried a different browser? Yes - works in Chrome, but not app, which I assume is web based also?
  6. What EXACTLY did you do? Document the steps you took before having the problem. Tried to open app. Cleared cache. Uninstalling and reinstalling.
  7. Copy/Paste the exact error message you received (screenshots are best).
    Screenshot_20220205-072853_Device care.jpg
    Did this. Switching to web for now unlesomeone knows a fix?

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