Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?


Jun 1, 2024
Alright so hi I'm new and I know this is a constantly asked question. I am 98% sure the California is a Roo but the Barred has me stumped. I have 3 Barred. One is FOR sure a Roo and one is for sure a Hen. But this one has some characteristics of both. So what do you guys think?
The first couple pics are my California White(Ben) he is feisty and has started mess with all 11 of the other chickens and 2 turkeys from the day they came out to their area. The first Barred is the one I am questioning. The other Pic. IT is the lighter one with the larger comb. My other Roo is lighter all over but he does have more white on top. All 3 Barred are watching out for rhe flock and are easy going.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, your California White is a male.
I'm not !00% sure on the Barred Rock. The barring on the neck is lighter and the rest of the body is darker, and the comb and wattles aren't very big and red...I think it could be a female.
Pretty sure your barred is a boy as well, sorry :(
Thanks so much. It's fine if he is. As long as he keeps playing well with the other boys. I have 11 acres in the country. So im taking it that I'm likely correct on my Roo hunch on my California? Google says Roo. Between the feisty attitude and the large red Comb and Wattles at 5/6 weeks. I have had chickens previously but this is my first time with these breeds. Thanks again!
I had a hen with mixed up barring like the one in question
Lost her recently to reproductive issues. She was a sweetheart, loved bananas, would JUMP for them, and the 1st chicken I ever saw who I thought would need a crop bra.

Keep watching the odd one.
Yes, your California White is a male.
I'm not !00% sure on the Barred Rock. The barring on the neck is lighter and the rest of the body is darker, and the comb and wattles aren't very big and red...I think it could be a female.
Yeah that one has me scratching my head. The tail feathers are a mix between the Hen and the Roo too. Lol. I guess we will see in a couple of weeks on that one. Either Grim or Omega. Our Roos name is Sigma. (My son named him from day one! He knew he was a boy.😀) Thank you for the help!
I have a couple of pullets now, 14ish weeks old that had me wondering at about the 6 week age. One had just enough comb growth to be larger than the other. Waiting isn't easy, but will come clear....eventually.

I've also picked a roo out of a straight run at the feed store (3-4 days old), certain was a roo from the beginning.
He's a sweetheart too.

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