Are my chickens stressed, angry, irritated?

Really? Cause they make this sound not only when they need to lay an egg but when it is time to sleep they make this sound in a high-pitched sharper vocalization.
Check out the roosting arrangements. Creatures of habit…my Easter Eggers, RIR and previous flock Golden Comets were EXTREMELY territorial about their “specific nesting box” and “roost bar”. True Karen chickens 😂
I always interpret this as the "I'm uneasy/want something" sound. If they want into a space to lay, or are looking for a space they like, you'll probably hear it. If they are roosting and trying to find/keep a comfortable spot, you'll hear it then too. Something between anxiety and a complaint. I wonder if roosters respond to this noise, maybe with help in finding a nesting spot/feeling secure, if they have a strong relationship with that hen?

(Roosters seem to do it also under stress, in my experience. The ones that don't want me handling them will make it afterwards)
So, it is like a whining sound?

Yup! Whiny whine. Like NorthFLChickenChick said they also do it for the favorite nestbox, or for their preferred roosting spot, and our old gal Susie even whines at the other chickens if they get a treat or bug that she wants.
Some of my hens have never whined. I think there's something in the personality that determines whether they believe others will respond to their complaints... kinda like kids who cry alligator tears vs those who only cry when they mean it. But that's just my impression.
Yup! Whiny whine. Like NorthFLChickenChick said they also do it for the favorite nestbox, or for their preferred roosting spot, and our old gal Susie even whines at the other chickens if they get a treat or bug that she wants.
Some of my hens have never whined. I think there's something in the personality that determines whether they believe others will respond to their complaints... kinda like kids who cry alligator tears vs those who only cry when they mean it. But that's just my impression.
Oh, I get it now. Thanks for the explanation!
Yup! Whiny whine. Like NorthFLChickenChick said they also do it for the favorite nestbox, or for their preferred roosting spot, and our old gal Susie even whines at the other chickens if they get a treat or bug that she wants.
Some of my hens have never whined. I think there's something in the personality that determines whether they believe others will respond to their complaints... kinda like kids who cry alligator tears vs those who only cry when they mean it. But that's just my impression.
My RIR is the loudest and crankiest Karen chicken EVER (but that’s just her, and if she ever has a day that she’s not complaining, I’m going to know that something really IS terribly wrong😕). My Orpingtons on the other hand whimper like puppies for cuddles and it’s adorable 😍
I always interpret this as the "I'm uneasy/want something" sound. If they want into a space to lay, or are looking for a space they like, you'll probably hear it. If they are roosting and trying to find/keep a comfortable spot, you'll hear it then too. Something between anxiety and a complaint. I wonder if roosters respond to this noise, maybe with help in finding a nesting spot/feeling secure, if they have a strong relationship with that hen?

(Roosters seem to do it also under stress, in my experience. The ones that don't want me handling them will make it afterwards)
Yes, that explains it all. I also notice my rooster makes this sound when the hens can't find a place to roost on. Thanks for the explaination!
I have two hens that make that sound when they want something... like for the gate to be opened so they can come out. We just call it whining.
I try not to give them what they want while they're making the noise so they don't get the idea to do it more. As soon as they hush for a minute or so we usually go ahead.
My chickens make that sound when another chicken is in their favorite nest and want it NOW! They will stand over the trespasser until it is freed up. Weather they lay an egg or not they WANT IT NOW!.

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