Are these Buckeyes? Or Blacktail Cotwolds?


Aug 28, 2023
Around April 25th we went ahead and bought four more chickens from Tractor Supply and I was told they were cream leg bars the biggest reason we wanted these was for their blue eggs. I said got older they got darker and darker and recently I've noticed a couple black feathers in the tail. After looking up what a cream leg bar looks like these definitely aren't it! Being that they're from Tractor Supply I'm assuming that they're buckeyes? The only other thing that they look like they could be is black tail Cotswold chickens? The egg color is cinnamon! (The ones on the right are the mis identified floofs) can someone help me confirm which one they are? thanks!
Around April 25th we went ahead and bought four more chickens from Tractor Supply and I was told they were cream leg bars the biggest reason we wanted these was for their blue eggs. I said got older they got darker and darker and recently I've noticed a couple black feathers in the tail. After looking up what a cream leg bar looks like these definitely aren't it! Being that they're from Tractor Supply I'm assuming that they're buckeyes? The only other thing that they look like they could be is black tail Cotswold chickens? The egg color is cinnamon! (The ones on the right are the mis identified floofs) can someone help me confirm which one they are? thanks!View attachment 3624837
If they're from.TSC, they're not Cotswold
Can’t really tell from the picture
I crossed them off my list already, my girls have very yellow feet, consistent with buckeyes. The hatchery they're contracted with has them regulary n they're on the TS site. I ruled out cinnamon queens too.
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Can’t really tell from the picture
Behold, what I was told were "CLB" when i got them at TS as chicks! 😳😬Their yelow feeties is what has me saying Buckeyes. And they all have like two to five black tail feathers. They keep to themselves and don't really intermingle with the other chickens unless it's time to roost. The one goes with the other chickens and the other three stay in a corner on top of a nesting box row with our younger set of buff orpingtons that are only 14 weeks. They aren't the best layers from what I understand so they might wind up going in the freezer. I'm just trying to make enough babies to raise over the winter and replenish what we will be harvesting for meat.


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Behold, what I was told were "CLB" when i got them at TS as chicks! 😳😬Their yelow feeties is what has me saying Buckeyes. And they all have like two to five black tail feathers. They keep to themselves and don't really intermingle with the other chickens unless it's time to roost. The one goes with the other chickens and the other three stay in a corner on top of a nesting box row with our younger set of buff orpingtons that are only 14 weeks. They aren't the best layers from what I understand so they might wind up going in the freezer. I'm just trying to make enough babies to raise over the winter and replenish what we will be harvesting for meat.
They have single combs, so aren’t buckeyes. They’re Rhode Island reds.
A couple look to have single combs and a couple look to have pea combs. I'm guessing either their Buckeyes weren't the the best representatives of the breed or you got a couple of Rhode Island reds and a couple of Buckeyes.

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