Are they shrink-wrapped? ~Pics~


9 Years
Oct 4, 2010
It's day 24 and I can still see them breathing. I'm beginning to wonder if they're shrink-wrapped though. Humidity's been at 65-69% for lockdown. And temp's steady at 99.7*F so I'm not sure why they aren't coming out. We have 9/24 out already which is actually pretty good considering the bator's lid fell off for a while around day 15.



And just 'cause they're adorable... All 9 babies (The 10th, larger chick is a 2 wk old OE pulle
The one all the way on the right is my dalmation chick.

Any help is appreciated!!

I am not sure. But I am sure someone will know soon. Good luck
And congratulations on the ones that have hatched.
Wow day 24 and still hatching? I guess I will wait I have 5 hatched at day 22 and three eggs to go.

We had to help one out of the membrane, the humidity was 70% but it still stuck. It had zipped and did not go any farther for two days. We opted to help it out and had to soak the membrane off its head and wing, and later on its butt. Doing well now!

Good Luck!
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Yep! We had 8 hatch on day 22 and the other one yesterday on day 23! So I'm leaving them in there until this afternoon, then maybe I'll try to help unless told otherwise! So definately let yours go another day or two just to be sure

They look shrink wraped to me. They should be taken out of the turner at day 18 and layed flat so the chicks can get into position to hatch and that could be part of the problem. With humidity as high as it is, the lid must have been lifted some during the hatch do dry them out. Also, your readings could be off or the fan, if you have one, could be too powerful.
I will take flashlight shine through eggs make sure they have baby. If I see his bill in end of egg I will pep them IF i think they are having trouble. But once you help you are obligated to help all way out. Then you run into bleeding issues and things. I use white thread tie them off but is difficult procedure to do without making them bleed. Good Luck
Hatch experts weigh in! I have only experienced hatching eggs one time and it was an emergency. I helped, probably too much, but ended up with a great hatch rate! What should Chickie 15 do?!? Someone help her! Can you tell I'm panicing? warm water drops on the membrane? Carefully open it over their beaks? These are NOT suggestions (because I don't know) just questions to get some expert instruction going here......
These need to be placed on their side on day 18. On the lock down, I add extra humdity,,,,I am afraid that if you let the hatch go on much longer, these will be very frail/week chicks. I would remove the turner and see if there are any live babies. Thanks And yes shrinkwrapped. I would calibrate the hygrometer! Thanks and have a blessed day. Nancy
Thank you

They look shrink wraped to me. They should be taken out of the turner at day 18 and layed flat so the chicks can get into position to hatch and that could be part of the problem. With humidity as high as it is, the lid must have been lifted some during the hatch do dry them out. Also, your readings could be off or the fan, if you have one, could be too powerful.

We opened the bator yesterday, but it was in the bathroom with the shower running and TONS of steam built up... so I thought they'd be okay from that. They haven't been in the turner, just in their little dividers and I thought that would be fine because some people hatch in egg cartons. What do you suggest I do? Try to peel them out? You can't see it as well in the pics but there are veins in the membrane that would be ripped through if I tried to get them out.
I agree and if they are hatching that late your temps have been too low.

The temp's been steady at 99.7-99.9 at some points. They've been pipped since yesterday morning end of day 22 and one since the beginning of day 22. (2 nights ago)


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