Lumley Farm
I am 99% sure my 7 month pullet has ascites. Many forum posts and articles from BYC has helped me. Can't believe in such a young hen! I thought it was the heat, she lays on the roosting posts or the ground. As of 2 months ago, she has free ranged with the others and I didn't think anything was wrong. Noticed her waddle to catch up with the others however. Today they ventured further than normal and after she got back to the run/coop, she kinda fell to one side. Picked her up and felt the squishy ballon feeling under her abdomen and she was gasping. She was loaded and her croup empty and keel bone pretty prominent, (saw her eating pellets and always eats boiled egg from my hand.) should I try to get her drained, or is it a short future for her? thanks in advance. Btw, I have her separated in a dog airline crate in the a/c, gave her some Nutri Drench and egg and mini noodles.