At 9 days shouldnt a fertile dove egg have more than just veins????

Mz Luv

In the Brooder
May 25, 2022
I raise ring neck doves. They breed easily and are good parents. I can usually tell if their eggs are fertile or infertile without even candeling them because if an egg is dark its usually always a healthy chick on the way.
It just happened that 4 of my breeding pairs all laid eggs within 1 or 2 days. Since the more mature pairs usually always have fertile eggs I decided to take 1 of their eggs and switch it with 1 egg from the less experienced pairs in hopes all 4 pairs would have at least 1 chick.
So this time I candled them. What I saw in 6 of the 8 eggs was healthy looking veins. But some of the eggs are 9 days old. My question is this...
At 9 days shouldnt a fertile dove egg have more than just veins????
Someone on this site sent me an article that helped so much. I had a chick trying to get out of a shell. I got the chick out no problem. But an hour later he was dead. This article said the chicks die of dehydration under these circumstances and it is vital to give them a couple drops of water. A week later i had this same problem...chick looked fine after i got it out but this time i used a syringe and gave it 2 drops of water. It drank it up as fast as it could. Put him back under mom and now about a week later he is healthy..happy and jumping in the nest!

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