Avian Pox? Please Help! (Pics)


7 Years
Apr 13, 2012

These two pictures are my Americana girl Jewel. I'm worried about the
white bumps in-between her comb. I dont know if its Avian Pox, or a
fungus, or what. Its been this way for a while, but only 2 of my 5 girls
have this.

This is Peeks, a sister of Jewel. She is also an Americana. Her white
bumps looks more like Avian Pox than Jewels, but Im still very worried.

Are there any ways to get rid of there bumps? Or if it is Avian Pox, way to get rid of it quickly? I know its been hot out, so is that a cause? Please help! I dont want any other girl to get sick!

If you look up fowl pox [the dry kind] it does not look like that at all. I honestly do not know what that is, hopefully someone else with more knowledge than me will chime in.... Are they normal in everyother way?
yes, they always eat the treats i give them, and drink the water in the heat. but he weird thing is that Jewel is always sitting in the heat, with her wings spread out, absorbing the sun, even if its over 100 out! is this normal?

I have been wondering about the same thing. I have four bantams that do the same routine of stretching out in a sunny place and extending a wing. One will just lay down and throw the wing out, then the others will pile up in the same place and do the exact same thing. It looks hilarious! They have been doing this since they were young chicks. Now, with themps at or over 100, they still continue. -very, very odd. -worried at first, but figure it is just something they do. Also, I am experiencing some comb issues with a few of my flock. -started with a white bump on a comb (very similar to your pic), then found a few on the pea comb of another. One of my Golden Comets has a dark nodule looking bump on her comb this morning. -only thing that I can figure is fowl pox. They are active and have good appetites - don't appear ill. I've researched everything that can possibly affect a comb and fowl pox seems the most likely regarding what I'm finding. -it does look similar to this pic. I'm certainly no expert (and am new to raising chicks).
I have been wondering about the same thing. I have four bantams that do the same routine of stretching out in a sunny place and extending a wing. One will just lay down and throw the wing out, then the others will pile up in the same place and do the exact same thing. It looks hilarious! They have been doing this since they were young chicks. Now, with themps at or over 100, they still continue. -very, very odd. -worried at first, but figure it is just something they do. Also, I am experiencing some comb issues with a few of my flock. -started with a white bump on a comb (very similar to your pic), then found a few on the pea comb of another. One of my Golden Comets has a dark nodule looking bump on her comb this morning. -only thing that I can figure is fowl pox. They are active and have good appetites - don't appear ill. I've researched everything that can possibly affect a comb and fowl pox seems the most likely regarding what I'm finding. -it does look similar to this pic. I'm certainly no expert (and am new to raising chicks).
Thanks! I read this link earlier today and it was very helpful! -purchased some Duramycin and added to the water to prevent secondary infection. Also, I added some electrolyte powder to the water. They are eating, drinking, and seem to be doing well.

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