B Chicken Farm


Feb 17, 2023
Hi guys, I came here to talk about our chickens. I have some photos of the 27 adults, 3 six week Olds, and 10 one to two week Olds.
So 40 chickens in total!
Here are our older roosters! To start with there us Hehe (from Moana) the Jungle Fowl & Elvis the white Aracauna.


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Here are two cockerals ( I know it is not the correct name, but I call them JR Roosters.) The chicken in the back of the 2nd photot is likely the rooster we will keep out of the 4 to 6 younger cockerals. We do not know yet if the white one is a boy or girl.


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We are down now to just 4 roosters. We had 9 roosters out of 27 adult birds. Now we are looking for someone to take 1 rooster who is fighting our Aracauna rooster. I am finding white feathers everywhere, but so far Elvis the Aracauna is holding his own. We have 13 laying hens, 1 pullet that is laying and the rest we are not sure of. Soon our 6 week old EE will join the flock in a few weeks.
The 10 Pullets in the brooder will be rotated to the outdoor grow out pen in 2 weeks.
While we are waiting the arrival of our 23 chicks from Cackle Hatchery.
Earlier today I said that we would put our 6wk old EE with the rest of the flock in 2 weeks. Well turns out that my husband said that they are 7 weeks old. We put them in with the rest of the flock tonight. We will see how they are in the morning.
Over the last week we have gotten rid of a total of 9 chickens and added the 3 youngest chicks from our grow out pen into the big coop. So now we have 22 or 23 chickens in the big coop.
We have 10 pullets in the brooder right now that are 3 to 4 weeks old. They should be going into the grow out pen any time now. We normally rotate them when they are starting to develop feathers and getting too big for the brooder.
Here are two cockerals ( I know it is not the correct name, but I call them JR Roosters.) The chicken in the back of the 2nd photot is likely the rooster we will keep out of the 4 to 6 younger cockerals. We do not know yet if the white one is a boy or girl.
We got rid of these two cockerels this week. Along with 5 other cockerels and 2 pullets. So a total of 9 birds went away in the past week.
We are now only down to 1 rooster. Sadly Hei Hei the Jungle Fowl passed away this morning. I am really going to miss that little guy. He meant a lot to me, and was one of my favorite chickens.

Here is what we have:
1 Aracauna Rooster
10 Easter Egger Hens (2 yrs old)
3 Biefenhelder Hens
4? EE Pullets (3 to 5 months old)
3 EE Pullets (7 wks old)

4 Dominant Copper Pullets (3 wks old)
5 Blue EE Pullets (3 wks old)
1 EE Pullet that we hatched ourselves.

Once again that is "too many chickens..."
Our biefenhelder hen can fly out of the run. Sometimes my husband also lets them free range. So she has been laying eggs in the top of our hay bales in the barn. We haven't been able to find her eggs until today. So 8 eggs are going in the incubator. We will see if they hatch.

These would be the last or Hei Hei's offspring since this was his hen.


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My husband found another 13 eggs that the chickens had hidden under plywood and scrapwood in the barn. I think they should no longer be free range...

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