Baby chick bulging butt!! Help! I don't want to lose her!


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
My baby chick that I got about a week ago has a bulging butt! When I get her she kinda had some diarrhea, since she had no feathers back there it just ran and stuck to her skin. I was able to stop the diarrhea and she appears to be pooping normally, but I can't help but wonder if her butt is supposed to be that big? I thought since she had no feathers from the poo I was seeing what a normal chick butt would look like but I'm slightly worried. She eats and drinks plenty, when she does poop its normal looking but it may be on the small size? Could she be a little backed up? She runs around just fine and it doesn't appear to bother her but I have no idea what I should do! Help us much needed please :(


It looks like pasty butt. Clean all poop off very gently under warm running water. Dry thoroughly and apply petroleum jelly. This can take a little while to soften and wash off because it drys like concrete. Good luck. Pasty butt can cause a blockage and kill.
It looks like pasty butt. Clean all poop off very gently under warm running water. Dry thoroughly and apply petroleum jelly. This can take a little while to soften and wash off because it drys like concrete. Good luck. Pasty butt can cause a blockage and kill.

Is there anything I can give her to prevent blockage? When applying petroleum jelly should it be where the poo sticks to her? Thank you!
Yes put the jelly on and all around vent. I use rooster boost it has vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics in the water during the summer. It helps a lot especially with how hot it has been.
Yes put the jelly on and all around vent. I use rooster boost it has vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics in the water during the summer. It helps a lot especially with how hot it has been.

She does looked backed up, would maybe feeding something like applesauce to her make it easier for her to relieve herself? She is able to make poo but its small (not horribly small at least!)
How is she doing. I would probably try a natural yogurt, first.

She is doing a lot better! She still has a bulge, but she has been relieving herself a little more often! I gave her some probiotic water and just soaked her little
Bum in some lukewarm water in hopes it will moisten the stuff stuck inside of her! Hoping for the best right now!

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