Baby chick with splayed legs? Please help


5 Years
Nov 20, 2018
Gallup, New Mexico
Baby chick hatched yesterday and isn't able to walk. He's currently crawling around and won't open his eyes. I just want to make sure it is splayed leg and if we can fix it. I posted some photos and videos to show. Please let me know what I can do.

It probably is splayed legs by the looks of it, and it's eyes closed could be because he's not even a day old yet perhaps? I've had two with it over the years and used a thin strip of vet wrap around one leg near the foot, then attach to the other foot leaving room for him to walk "normal." People also use bandaids or rubber band through a straw. You run the rubber band through the straw, then put the straw between its legs, and hook each end of the rubber band to a foot. I prefer my way as it's more flexible yet keeps the legs from spreading out.

It took mine about 3 days each of doing this to be cured, and I changed it twice a day.

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