Baby chick with swollen belly


11 Years
Mar 26, 2013
I had a chick hatch. Looked healthy and normal until a few days after the hatch I noticed it walked funny. Kind of like a duck. I picked it up and noticed the belly was swollen. No pasty butt, no diarrhea. Eating and drinking and acting normal otherwise. I thought maybe it had not absorbed all the yolk??? Two weeks later, belly still big and swollen but still acting fine otherwise. I am worried that later on if the belly does not go down, it will have trouble breathing if the swelling puts pressure on the lungs. Should I try to stick a needle to see if any liquid comes out? Should I let it be to see if the swelling goes down in a couple more weeks?
No, please do not go poking the chick with any needles.

Let's verify what you are speaking of when saying "swollen belly". If you have a photo, it would be helpful. But please tell us exactly where this swelling is.

Looking at the chick front-on, is the swelling down between the legs? Can you locate the umbilicus (located just below the vent) and let us know if you see any inflammation around it?

Or is the swelling more to the area just below the neck just slightly on the chick's right side of the chest wall?
Sorry I do not have any photos at the moment. I can try later but don't know if it will hold still long enough for me to take photos.

The swelling is down between the legs which is why it is walking like a duck I imagine. I did not see any inflammation around the vent when I checked it to see if it had pasty butt.

No swellling just below the neck
I thought that might be it but there were no issues with an infection on the umbilical cord site, no signs of infection anywhere.
If that is the case though, can or should antibiotics be given to such a young chick?
Should I just let it run it's course?
I have been giving the chick vitamin water with electrolytes daily.
I checked it last night. The swelling seems to be more to the right side of the belly.
Still eating and drinking and running around just fine with its funny walk. I will wait and see how it progresses.

Thank you so much for your input
what ever happen with mushy chick syndrom. i have a almost 2 week old, no pasty, no diareaha and acts fine. any other info is welcome thanks
My chick is now over a month old and seems fine. Still has a lump but has gotten smaller. I think if yours had mushy chick syndrome it would be acting sick but I don't have much experience

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