baby chick


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2024
my baby chick is 3 weeks today and she been soo active recently during that week she’s been always flying out her coop but today i noticed that she doesn’t really jump out her coop when i turn off the heating lamp but should leave it on for a good hour or more and jus turn it off sometimes ? but i really don’t know the temperature but i keep rising the the lamp nd it feels warm in her coop ?
What is your location? Is it winter or summer where you live? Is the chick indoors or outdoors? The brooder temperature depends on the surrounding temperature.

As a general rule, baby chicks no longer need heat during the day as long as the surrounding temperature is mild and not freezing.
What is your location? Is it winter or summer where you live? Is the chick indoors or outdoors? The brooder temperature depends on the surrounding temperature.

As a general rule, baby chicks no longer need heat during the day as long as the surrounding temperature is mild and not freezing.
i live in texas and it’s summer rn and i have it indoors and my house ace at 76 but it’s auto
Your chick doesn't need any heat at all during the day at 76. It will still like to snuggle under just a little bit of heat at night for another week. By then, it will be ready to live outside in a coop or if it's an indoor pet, it can sleep without any heat after it turns four weeks.

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