Baby chicks can't move its lower legs


Jun 29, 2024
Hello everyone

My neighbor has some chickens and one week and half ago some baby chicks hatched.
We saw that one of them had trouble walking and was left behind from its mother so we took it with us in hope he would recover

Initially he was not eating at all and was sleeping all the time, then we took it to the vet and after a shot of liquid calcium he began to be more awake and has started to eat a little bit on its own.
We are giving him "nutri-bird", which is a nutritious food that should have all the necessary vitamins and supplements that the baby chicks needs. We are also giving him calcium supplements.

But one week after we have started to feed him properly he still can't move. The lower part of his feet are paralyzed, they are cold to the touch and unresponsive to any stimuli.

To "walk" he uses his knees since the upper part of the leg (the thigh with the plumage) does work. But of course he can only make a few jumps and then lays there exhausted
I'll leave a video to show it better

I just don't know what to do to help him anymore.
We have all grown too fond of him to let him go but I also don't want him to suffer uselessly

Could the paralyzed legs be a symptom of a calcium deficiency that can improve with supplements?

Are there any orthopedic shoes or chairs that I can make him to help him regain control of its feet?

Thank you very much for your help
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Will this chick eat mushy Chick Starter?

Not sure about giving extra calcium supplements to a tiny chick like this, they don't need much.

I'd give 1/4 tablet B-Complex once daily.

You can try hobbling her to see if it helps. Unfortunately, if you have not seen improvement in a week and a half, the chick is likely failing to thrive.

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