Bantam and Miniature duck breeds list.


May 23, 2020
Jackson, MI
I have seen allot of lists with missing information or breeds that simply don't belong like Harlequin or Runner Ducks. So I figured I would put a complete list as of 2021 for anyone searching more information on these small duck types.

Call Duck (APA, ABA + BWA recognized breed)
Black East Indie (APA, ABA + BWA recognized breed)
Mallard (APA + ABA recognized breed)
Carolina Wood Duck (ABA recognized breed)
Mandarin (ABA recognized breed)
Australian Spotted
Aztec Bantam

Silver Bantam (BWA recognized breed)
Silver Appleyard Miniature (BWA recognized breed)
Miniature Crested (BWA recognized breed)
Miniature Overberg
Silkie Duck

If I missed any feel free to let me know!
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Thanks for putting this together!
I have never heard of a Miniature Overberg, out of curiosity, do you have a picture by chance?
I have seen allot of lists with missing information or breeds that simply don't belong like Harlequin or Runner Ducks. So I figured I would put a complete list as of 2021 for anyone searching more information on these small duck types.

Call Duck (APA, ABA + BWA recognized breed)
Black East Indie (APA, ABA + BWA recognized breed)
Mallard (APA + ABA recognized breed)
Carolina Wood Duck (ABA recognized breed)
Mandarin (ABA recognized breed)
Australian Spotted
Aztec Bantam

Silver Bantam (BWA recognized breed)
Silver Appleyard Miniature (BWA recognized breed)
Miniature Crested (BWA recognized breed)
Miniature Overberg
Silkie Duck

If I missed any feel free to let me know!
Another Bantam breed is the Australian Call Duck recognised in the APS these are there own breed seperate from overseas Call ducks.

Miniature varieties recognised in the APS also include the Orpington, Pommern, Saxony, Silver Appleyard (you’ve already covered), and Welsh Harlequin.

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