Bantam or Full Sized? Araucana or Amerucana


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 4, 2013
Nottingham, UK
Hi I bought these gorgeous little ladies last week as I was told they will give me green eggs. They were labeled as Araucanas but I think they might be Ameraucanas. They also couldn't tell me at the shop whether they are bantams or full sized! Any ideas?
The crests mean they are Easter Eggers, [Ameraucana type mixes] probably containing Polish, or maybe Silkie [do they have any extra toes?]
You're right! I forgot the non-US type Araucanas can have tails and have crests, d'oh.
They are Araucanas :D
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That's great thank you, I was told they were hard to come by in the UK. How would I know whether they are bantam tailed or full sized?
How big are they? That's the difference between bantam and full size. From the pic I'm guessing full size, as they're not very large birds anyway. I don't even know if there is a UK bantam version, but if so it would only weigh a pound or so, full grown.

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