Bantam silky Jersey Giant cross

May 9, 2020
I have a chick that is a cross between a black bantam silkie (hen) and a white JG (Roo) I know crazy right. She got out and I couldn't catch her for 3 days so she was with the big chickens. I collected her eggs from the yard and thought I'd try to hatch them. And sure enough she had been bred. Can't wait to see what this grows into! 2days old and looks like a miniature Barred Rock without the spot on its head. Will it be fuzzy? Frizzy? Wirey? Regular feathers?


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Silkiness is a recessive gene, so she'll probably have normal feathers. I believe black skin, a walnut comb, and five toes are all recessive, too. Watching to see what she'll grow up to look like, though!
The chick has feathers down it's ankles so I was hoping to see some kind of crazy feathering. I can't wait either lol will try take weekly photos if not bi-weekly
I have a chick that is a cross between a black bantam silkie (hen) and a white JG (Roo) I know crazy right. She got out and I couldn't catch her for 3 days so she was with the big chickens. I collected her eggs from the yard and thought I'd try to hatch them. And sure enough she had been bred. Can't wait to see what this grows into! 2days old and looks like a miniature Barred Rock without the spot on its head. Will it be fuzzy? Frizzy? Wirey? Regular feathers?

This chick should turn out beautiful! I had 2 Silkie (white Silkie mom+???) mixes and they were so gorgeous! Purple skin at the face and walnut comb (they were boys too by the way!) black legs and normal black feathers with a metallic green and purple sheen.

I can see why people went crazy for the Svart Hona because this color combo was amazing.
Update: we have some regular feathers so far. Also feathers on the feet! Yayee! She (assuming it's a she) is still half the size of a RIR chick the same age.


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