(I had no clue what category to put this under..)
Hi all, i'm thinking about making additions to my flock, the additions being Bantams. I heard a lot of good things about them and came to the conclusion that they probably are the best addition to my flock for the time being, but I have a few questions to be sure of that.
To start off, I already have 7 adult hens. Not bantams. (RIR, BSL and Buff Orps.) My coop and run is large, and in the warmer times or days when the snow is all melted, they free range. I do live in a neighbor hood, and in my 2024 additions I got stuck with 2 loud RIR's that I love so much but are very loud. I want to add more hens without being annoying to my neighbors who also have chickens but they are not nearly as loud as mine. Of course, with the egg prices now thats another reason I want to add hens. So my questions are...
1: Are Bantams actually quiet? Or are they loud at times.
2: How small are Bantam eggs.
3: Is it true you can train them to jump to your hand?
4: Would my hens accept them, or not?
5: (Probably the most important of all..) Are they healthy, hardy hens that dont get sick easily? And, do they have egg and laying problems later on in life?
6: What are the best Bantams to get sold at tractor supply?
Hi all, i'm thinking about making additions to my flock, the additions being Bantams. I heard a lot of good things about them and came to the conclusion that they probably are the best addition to my flock for the time being, but I have a few questions to be sure of that.
To start off, I already have 7 adult hens. Not bantams. (RIR, BSL and Buff Orps.) My coop and run is large, and in the warmer times or days when the snow is all melted, they free range. I do live in a neighbor hood, and in my 2024 additions I got stuck with 2 loud RIR's that I love so much but are very loud. I want to add more hens without being annoying to my neighbors who also have chickens but they are not nearly as loud as mine. Of course, with the egg prices now thats another reason I want to add hens. So my questions are...
1: Are Bantams actually quiet? Or are they loud at times.
2: How small are Bantam eggs.
3: Is it true you can train them to jump to your hand?
4: Would my hens accept them, or not?
5: (Probably the most important of all..) Are they healthy, hardy hens that dont get sick easily? And, do they have egg and laying problems later on in life?
6: What are the best Bantams to get sold at tractor supply?