This will be for 3+ turkey, 3+ duck, and 12+ chicken eggs. My pens are as follows:
Turkeys - Royal Palm and Bourbon Red hens and toms all together.
Ducks - Swedish/Pekin drake over buff crested hens.
Pen 1 - Cochins (bantam and standard, all colors), Frizzles (bantam, red and silver pencilled), 1 pair Wheaten Ameraucanas, and 2 EE girls.
Pen 2 - Buff Barred Cochins
Pen 3 - Silkies (BBS & white)
Pen 4 - Easter Egger hens and roos plus a Barred Rock rooster and hens that are (1 of each) RIR, BR, BCM, & Silkie/EE.
You will get eggs from all pens. If there is 1 pen you really don't want eggs from (for example, if you really don't like Silkies) I will try and accommodate you.
A few pics:
Turkeys - Royal Palm and Bourbon Red hens and toms all together.
Ducks - Swedish/Pekin drake over buff crested hens.
Pen 1 - Cochins (bantam and standard, all colors), Frizzles (bantam, red and silver pencilled), 1 pair Wheaten Ameraucanas, and 2 EE girls.
Pen 2 - Buff Barred Cochins
Pen 3 - Silkies (BBS & white)
Pen 4 - Easter Egger hens and roos plus a Barred Rock rooster and hens that are (1 of each) RIR, BR, BCM, & Silkie/EE.
You will get eggs from all pens. If there is 1 pen you really don't want eggs from (for example, if you really don't like Silkies) I will try and accommodate you.
A few pics: