Barred Rock juveniles male or female?


Aug 9, 2015
Northeast Ohio

These two barred rocks are exactly the same age, approximately 22 weeks old. Notice the difference in the size of the combs and waddles. Is the one on the left a roo and the right a hen? They were both purchased from the same hatchery and were suppose to be hens.

Here is another photo with them on opposites sides.

Thanks for your input.
That is what I thought but they are the exact same size and their body looks identical. I wonder what age the roo would start to get the larger tail feathers? If it is a 'he' he has not started to challenge my jersey giant rooster.
At 22 weeks, those are both pullets. There are no male feathers on either of them. The comb is big and red because she will be laying eggs any day now.


Both are 100% pullets, and the one with the larger comb is going to start laying any day for you. I'm actually surprised the other one doesn't have more of comb already, she's a late bloomer I guess.

(If you look at pics of Barred Rocks, you'll notice the roosters have a finer barring pattern, and from a distance look noticeably lighter in color than the hens. Your two are both girls!)

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