Barred rock pullet or cockerel?


9 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Surrey, British Columbia
I know this question is common. I have read all the treads and I'm pretty sure my favorite pullet is not a pullet at all! The new tail feathers are pointed! This bird is 12 weeks old and still making the chick peep sounds. The others in the background are cuckoo marans and 16 weeks old... All definitely pullets. Please if anyone has any info on whether or not ayria is actually a ayrion I'd love to know ASAP as I would need to find ayrion a good home! He's sweet strong and going to be a gorgeous roo if I'm right. I'm only posting because hubby still thinks he is a she!


Don't listen to me, I know nothing, but from the countless threads I have read in here, and by all I am trying to teach myself... my vote is Roo
The reason I think that is his neck feathers seem to be coming in very much like a rooster, and his upright stance. Legs look pretty thick as well.

I too have a mis sexed Speckled Sussex roo.. he is only 6 weeks old.. but I think he is a roo.

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted..."he" is beautiful.

Yes thank you! The whole personality seems to point to roo as well. Has to be on the top perch, chest out when " challenged " uncannily smart. He has been the smallest one from the start but never been a push over... Was worried that the others would gang up and hurt her/him but this bird has always held his own! Let's see what more members have to say! We are really attached to this barred!
Oh wait.. one more thing... I am sure I read, I have to ask a friend who has barred rocks...

Is that a barred rock girl behind him? The girls are always darker than the males.. and this picture clearly shows that as well! Do I have your permission to borrow a picture to send to another member on BYC.. she sexes and breeds Barred Rocks.. her birds are gorgeous as well!

I am sorry to tell you this but that is a barred rock roo. The females are much darker. I have two barred roos and they are smart as heck and great flock guardians. When he starts crowing, there will be no stopping him.
The girls behind are cuckoo Marans so not a good comparison, sorry...but feel free to get your friend's opinion

I PMed her a link to this thread... I am sure she will know. Her member name is aoxa. She helps out a lot of people in here with gender, and also owns one of the most beautiful Barred Roo's I've ever seen. You can see some of her birds pictures, and she is also in Canada! Check him out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry to tell you this but that is a barred rock roo. The females are much darker. I have two barred roos and they are smart as heck and great flock guardians. When he starts crowing, there will be no stopping him.
WELCOME TO BYC suthernboy!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you joined us!


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