Barred rock roo or hen?


Sep 18, 2016
Tucson, AZ
I have a chicken and im not sure if its a hen or a rooster. No spurs, never crowed, never layed an egg either though, BUT its only about 5 and a half months old. And i read barred rocks dont lay until 20 to 24 weeks. So i figured i could give a little more time. The tail feathers do curl, but i had a barred rock hen that had curled tail feathers too (peanut went on to hatch out many babies) and i know the comb on this breed for the hens can get a little big. But i feel like this ones is really red. But i have another rooster thats younger than this chicken, and i can tell its a rooster no doubt. I have never had this problem! Can someone help!



The BCM is my 4.5 month old rooster just to compare.
Any ways. Im pretty sure its a roo, just need some others input.
Sorry, but I'm sure that's a boy. Sickle tail and hackle feathers tell it all.

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Thanks! I will post in that section! Still learning how to use the site, took me 2 days to figure out how to post this!
As for the chicken, thats what i expected, just wasnt totally sure! So thank you for the confirmation
The barring is dark like a female, but the bird has male specific feathering, and gold leakage through the hackle feathers. A purebred Barred Rock male has two copies of the barring gene, producing wider bars of white and more narrow bars of black. This makes them look "lighter."
The barring is dark like a female, but the bird has male specific feathering, and gold leakage through the hackle feathers. A purebred Barred Rock male has two copies of the barring gene, producing wider bars of white and more narrow bars of black. This makes them look "lighter."

You have a black sexlink cockerel. Not a pure Barred Rock.

X 2 on both points!
Hi everyone. I got 5 8-week old barred rock chicks and I need some confirmation about the gender.


This is the bunch...


I think this one is a roo


Two girls?


Another girl


Girl as well...

Thanks in advance for your help

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