I have a chicken and im not sure if its a hen or a rooster. No spurs, never crowed, never layed an egg either though, BUT its only about 5 and a half months old. And i read barred rocks dont lay until 20 to 24 weeks. So i figured i could give a little more time. The tail feathers do curl, but i had a barred rock hen that had curled tail feathers too (peanut went on to hatch out many babies) and i know the comb on this breed for the hens can get a little big. But i feel like this ones is really red. But i have another rooster thats younger than this chicken, and i can tell its a rooster no doubt. I have never had this problem! Can someone help!
The BCM is my 4.5 month old rooster just to compare.
Any ways. Im pretty sure its a roo, just need some others input.
The BCM is my 4.5 month old rooster just to compare.
Any ways. Im pretty sure its a roo, just need some others input.