Hi. One of my 10 month old hens has a beak injury. The top surface is flaky and scabby looking, and she has a bit of an under bite where she had never had one before. It almost looks like the tip and surface of the front of her beak completely broke off. As for causes, the other day I put some yogurt on a concrete post base in their run, and I'm wondering if she may have chipped it off pecking at the yogurt - but I watched them all polish it off and didn't notice anybody get hurt, and none of the other hens in our flock has any beak issues. She does seem to be in pain as she was allowing me to pick her up without squatting for me - like she knew something was wrong and wanted my help. Is there anything I can do for her? I have some triple antibiotic ointment with pain reliever (Pramoxine) in it - is that worth trying or does she need a vet?