How many of you have had trouble with bears getting into chicken food or coop? I'd like to hear your bear stories and how you dealt with them. I'll share two of mine:
A few summers ago, my little sister and I were in the woods alone picking wineberries. We have trails all over the place. We had crossed a stream to get to the berries, and we were gobbling away when we heard a crashing sound behind us. I turned and saw a medium-sized juvenile black bear standing on the other side of the stream, watching us. I stifled a gasp and froze; so did my sister. The bear gazed at us curiously, then placed a paw in the water and began walking toward us. Fortunately, I knew what to do around a black bear. A lifted my arms above my head and started screaming, swinging my bag on wineberries around like a crazy person. The bear immediately spooked and took off back into the brush. Shaken and exhilarated, my sister and I hurried home.
3 weeks ago, a problem bear showed up. He got into the chicken feed, dragging the whole barrel into the woods and leaving a trail of pellets. He also destroyed the run trying to get to the fly trap. He was coming in broad daylight and bothering the free-ranging chickens, but he didn't hurt anyone. He was relatively small, about two year old. Fortunately, we don't have grizzlies around here. We was a black bear. Of course, we would never think of shooting or trapping him, but he couldn't stick around. He could hurt a dog or chicken - or child. We took down the fly trap, secured the chicken feed (we made a whole new door for the barn) and locked the chickens in their run so the bear wouldn't hurt them. After a few days, he didn't bother us anymore. He had gone off to stalk the neighbors
Let's hear your bear encounter tales and your reactions!
A few summers ago, my little sister and I were in the woods alone picking wineberries. We have trails all over the place. We had crossed a stream to get to the berries, and we were gobbling away when we heard a crashing sound behind us. I turned and saw a medium-sized juvenile black bear standing on the other side of the stream, watching us. I stifled a gasp and froze; so did my sister. The bear gazed at us curiously, then placed a paw in the water and began walking toward us. Fortunately, I knew what to do around a black bear. A lifted my arms above my head and started screaming, swinging my bag on wineberries around like a crazy person. The bear immediately spooked and took off back into the brush. Shaken and exhilarated, my sister and I hurried home.
3 weeks ago, a problem bear showed up. He got into the chicken feed, dragging the whole barrel into the woods and leaving a trail of pellets. He also destroyed the run trying to get to the fly trap. He was coming in broad daylight and bothering the free-ranging chickens, but he didn't hurt anyone. He was relatively small, about two year old. Fortunately, we don't have grizzlies around here. We was a black bear. Of course, we would never think of shooting or trapping him, but he couldn't stick around. He could hurt a dog or chicken - or child. We took down the fly trap, secured the chicken feed (we made a whole new door for the barn) and locked the chickens in their run so the bear wouldn't hurt them. After a few days, he didn't bother us anymore. He had gone off to stalk the neighbors

Let's hear your bear encounter tales and your reactions!