Best incubators in the USA?


Head nut at the nut house
7 Years
May 2, 2017
Carbon County, Wyoming USA.
So I am now living back in the USA and in Wyoming of all places, don't get me wrong I do love Wyoming it's absolutely beautiful and groceries are so much cheaper than in California. But I would really like to know what is one of the best low to middle maybe upper middle of the road in price incubators that are NOT brinsea. One that has a turner so I won't need to open it so much would be great.

I had brinsea incubators based on everyone's recommendation when I first started hatching and my hatch rates were horrible no matter what I did with not 1 but 2 different ones. I did dropped a lot of money on a Heka (German made) incubator in the end and my hatch rates were 95%+ with fertilized eggs. Sadly I will not have my Heka incubator in the USA for at least 2 years, besides I would like to have something cheaper but decent so I could loan it out to either neighbours or even my daughters school for educational purposes.
I second the Nuture Right 360.
Mine has been amazing! No temp fluctuations like my cheap amazon one. Humidty does fluctuate. And ive had pretty successful hatches.
My last hatch was from my own flock (young pullets and young cockerel) from one hen all but one egg hatched.

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