Best pine shavings for coop?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
I currently have straw for my coop floor but I’ve been wanting to go back to pine shavings. I used to buy the pine shavings from tractor supply, but it didn’t go well because my chickens were getting it stuck in their feet and getting bumble foot. I have no idea how, but it’s probably due to how hard that one was. So I want to know which is the best brand/type of pine bedding that I could buy for my girls.
I quit using straw because I had so many cases of impacted crop. I use sand in summer to warn me if a snake has got in. Otherwise, my girls love pine straw, just the dry needles I collect all year from our pine trees (they won't nest in anything else) or in deep winter the TSC woods chips. I have never had bumblefoot issues with the chips or pine needles, but I'm wondering if yours had issue with wood chips if they would also have issues with pine needles.
I quit using straw because I had so many cases of impacted crop. I use sand in summer to warn me if a snake has got in. Otherwise, my girls love pine straw, just the dry needles I collect all year from our pine trees (they won't nest in anything else) or in deep winter the TSC woods chips. I have never had bumblefoot issues with the chips or pine needles, but I'm wondering if yours had issue with wood chips if they would also have issues with pine needles.
I’m unsure, it’s probably because those hens had their wings cut (I had no experience with chickens and my dad told me that I had to do it). Now I only have one hen left with her wings cut because they just won’t grow back. This hen is the one who got bumble foot, and I’m sure it was the shavings because she had a chip stuck inside of her foot. She is now fine, but I’m scared of it happening again. That’s why I wanted to know, I was thinking of pine pellets, but my coop has a tiny tiny hole that only water can get through and I heard that pine pellets and water makes a mess so I’m not sure anymore 🙁.
Do you know of any other places that sell large flake shavings?
I don't know of any others that sell soft shavings. Ask your local farm stores or pet supply stores if they have the Top Bedding brand. This is the stuff:

I was thinking of pine pellets, but my coop has a tiny tiny hole that only water can get through and I heard that pine pellets and water makes a mess so I’m not sure anymore 🙁.
Pellets are quite hard in their original pelleted form and they're not very economical because you have to pile it up a few inches so the chickens don't slide around on them like they're walking on marbles.

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