Hey all,
So I’m getting a flock together again after not having one for a while, so far I have:
* commercial red (isa brown, hyline etc)
* commercial white
* a few polish (gold lace, black with white crest)
* birchen maran
*copper maran
* silken aras (black and lavender)
* x-breed dark eggers
* naked necks (wheaten, blue and cuckoo)
* exchequer leghorns
* Brahma (blue, black, and an experimental speckled line)
* speckled Sussex
* citrus appenzeller
This probably sounds like a lot of birds but I only have one or two of each. So my main question is, to produce the maximum amounts of ‘pretty’ colours what kind of rooster would be best? I know mottle and blue/lavender are recessive, and that using a black/blue/lavender, barred or silver based rooster would produce mostly black, black barred or silver chicks (??? Will it? Am I wrong) and I know that presumably a red based rooster could be used over the silver based hens later on for sexlinks. I don’t have much lacing going on currently.
I am hoping to add some acona, blue leghorns and perhaps some ‘candy corn’ polish at a later date as well. Maybe a cream legbar.
So which rooster would produce the biggest variety of colours? Presumably one who carries speckling/mottling as some hens carry it/display it, perhaps red based, but what else? Or am I overlooking something?
I’m kind of leaning towards keeping a speckled Brahma rooster as they’re red based and speckled, I love the exchequer leghorn but I imagine the dominant white and silver base would muddy the waters a bit? What about a red laced Wyandotte? Or a blue red laced wyandotte? Red acona? Red Pyle Brahma? Any suggestions?
So I’m getting a flock together again after not having one for a while, so far I have:
* commercial red (isa brown, hyline etc)
* commercial white
* a few polish (gold lace, black with white crest)
* birchen maran
*copper maran
* silken aras (black and lavender)
* x-breed dark eggers
* naked necks (wheaten, blue and cuckoo)
* exchequer leghorns
* Brahma (blue, black, and an experimental speckled line)
* speckled Sussex
* citrus appenzeller
This probably sounds like a lot of birds but I only have one or two of each. So my main question is, to produce the maximum amounts of ‘pretty’ colours what kind of rooster would be best? I know mottle and blue/lavender are recessive, and that using a black/blue/lavender, barred or silver based rooster would produce mostly black, black barred or silver chicks (??? Will it? Am I wrong) and I know that presumably a red based rooster could be used over the silver based hens later on for sexlinks. I don’t have much lacing going on currently.
I am hoping to add some acona, blue leghorns and perhaps some ‘candy corn’ polish at a later date as well. Maybe a cream legbar.
So which rooster would produce the biggest variety of colours? Presumably one who carries speckling/mottling as some hens carry it/display it, perhaps red based, but what else? Or am I overlooking something?
I’m kind of leaning towards keeping a speckled Brahma rooster as they’re red based and speckled, I love the exchequer leghorn but I imagine the dominant white and silver base would muddy the waters a bit? What about a red laced Wyandotte? Or a blue red laced wyandotte? Red acona? Red Pyle Brahma? Any suggestions?