Best way to feed mixed age flock?


Feb 27, 2020
Upstate Ny
I'm running into that chicken math problem where you have not enough separate runs and a layer flock, replacement pullets and the extra meat cockerels that all need to eat. If I feed everyone starter for the next 4-6 weeks my hens will probably gorge themselves to death. And if I feed everyone layer my cocks will be too skinny. I don't think blocking the chick feed from the layers would work, due to the size difference. My 4 week old roos are almost as big as my smaller girls right now.
Should I mix my layer and starter To get an 18% ? The feed brand I use does not have an All flock.
Or should I just suck it up and try to partition off the run?
Chick starter is almost identical in nutrients and makeup as all flock feed. It will not harm your layers to eat it. Just supply them with good quality oyster shell to supplement their calcium needs.

I've been feeding an all flock feed to my mixed flock of laying hens, old retired hens, roosters, and baby chicks. In the event the feed store has been out of all flock, and this has been the case all this last month, I just buy chick starter. It's a bit lower in protein, but the same in every other respect.

My layers lay, my roosters are content, my chicks grow normally, and my retired hens keep getting older.
A few of the hens I have are of a particular meat line New Hampshire. They WILL eat till they burst. And they are all on the too fat side as it is. If I put a days worth of feed out for the chicks, it would be gone in less then 30min if my older hens get to it.

I think I'm just going to have to divide the run.
I did end up splitting the run with a green plastic fence and step in posts, till everyone was a bit more of a match in size. Then tracked down an 18% feed. I've had to do it in 2 feedings a day with multiple pans as opposed to a free choice feeder but it works.

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