Bielefelder breed standard?


5 Years
Sep 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
I've been looking for a Bielefelder breed standard. I know they are not recognized by the American Poultry Association, but maybe they have a standard in Europe?

I pulled this off of one site: "Bielefelder chickens have a brown feather color with white and gray bars for females, while males are more orange with black tails and barred breasts. They have a single red comb, yellow legs, and clean features."

I'm hoping to get confirmation on this or find something official.
I don't think there is a breed standard since they are a mixed breed. I ordered 2 pullets and a cockerel that are now 2 months old. The males and females definitely look way different, and can be sexed at birth. The males kinda look like a brown barred rock with some tan and red mixed in too, and the females are pretty similar to say a welsummer, but I noticed they also have white speckles on their feathers.
Translated from German to English via Google:
Bielefelder Kennhühner
Origin: Developed systematically by G. Roth in the Bielefeld area from 1970.History of the breed: Original breeds were mainly speckled chickens of the "half-Asian type", Mechelen and Welsumer. Initially "German Kennhühner".Shape and head: In the display cage, the impressive size frame with the straight and long back line is particularly noticeable. The horizontal torso should be shaped like a cylinder. The shoulders are broad, the chest is deep and the belly is full, especially in the hen in the laying condition. The body volume includes the broad shoulders and the strong neck. Broad tail feathers and a medium-long sickle in the cock's tail. The head is only required to be moderately large with a single comb in the cock and a light and slightly surrounding flag in the hen. Small wattles, red ear flaps, orange-red eyes. The stance is important: the short thighs and the medium-length legs make it look relatively low.Colours: white sparrowhawk, silver sparrowhawk.Special features: A highly productive breed with excellent performance characteristics and durability. Colours allow you to identify the genders of freshly hatched day-old chicks: Cock - ochre yellow with a light brown stripe on the back and a white sparrowhawk spot on the head. Hen - light brown with a rich dark brown stripe on the back and a small sparrowhawk spot on the head.Weight: Cock: 3-4 kg
Hen: 2.5-3.25 kg
Ring sizes: Cock: 22 Hen: 20


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There is a German standard for them as that is where the Bielefelders originated from.

Translated from German to English via Google:
Bielefelder Kennhühner
Origin: Developed systematically by G. Roth in the Bielefeld area from 1970.History of the breed: Original breeds were mainly speckled chickens of the "half-Asian type", Mechelen and Welsumer. Initially "German Kennhühner".Shape and head: In the display cage, the impressive size frame with the straight and long back line is particularly noticeable. The horizontal torso should be shaped like a cylinder. The shoulders are broad, the chest is deep and the belly is full, especially in the hen in the laying condition. The body volume includes the broad shoulders and the strong neck. Broad tail feathers and a medium-long sickle in the cock's tail. The head is only required to be moderately large with a single comb in the cock and a light and slightly surrounding flag in the hen. Small wattles, red ear flaps, orange-red eyes. The stance is important: the short thighs and the medium-length legs make it look relatively low.Colours: white sparrowhawk, silver sparrowhawk.Special features: A highly productive breed with excellent performance characteristics and durability. Colours allow you to identify the genders of freshly hatched day-old chicks: Cock - ochre yellow with a light brown stripe on the back and a white sparrowhawk spot on the head. Hen - light brown with a rich dark brown stripe on the back and a small sparrowhawk spot on the head.Weight: Cock: 3-4 kg
Hen: 2.5-3.25 kg
Ring sizes: Cock: 22 Hen: 20
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I've been looking for! 🥳

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