Black Copper Marans-16 eggs.


Free Ranging
9 Years
May 29, 2013
Just found a stash of beautiful chocolate eggs in my Black Copper Marans pen. Fired up the incubator. I'll add them this evening when the temp is settled. The lighter egg in the first pic is a store bought one for comparison. I've also added 3 eggs from my BBS Marans pen too. Should be a fun first hatch of the year.

:pop heard those can be tough to Candle, Good Luck!

Yup, they are little buggers. I've found a good technique for checking viability at around 5 days. It's not checking for an embryos like later candling but rather a distinct change in the yolk shape when the egg is held vertically. It works well for me with these dark eggs. Plus having a super bright flashlight you can see from space the Luxor casino.

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