Black Spots on Combs


8 Years
Jan 17, 2012
Hi, two of my hens have odd black spots on their combs. I'm wondering if they're just scabs from fights with the other hens, or from getting them caught on the chicken wire or something. They're about six and a half months old if that helps. Here is a picture of the two that have them:


Looks like fowl pox.

This is spread by mosquitoes.

Your hens probably will stop laying eggs for a few weeks until they are recovered.

Its a virus and there is no treatment, but you can add vitamins and extra treats for them to help their immune system fight it off.

If they only have a few spots like in your photos, its nothing to worry about. They don't seem to bother the chickens and eventually they will dry up and fall off.

Then your birds will be immune to that disease in the future.

If they get it worse - like over their eyes or in their beaks, then its more serious, but normally most cases are quite mild, so don't worry too much - I like to liken it to our children with chicken pox - but not itchy!
Looks like fowl pox.

This is spread by mosquitoes.

Your hens probably will stop laying eggs for a few weeks until they are recovered.

Its a virus and there is no treatment, but you can add vitamins and extra treats for them to help their immune system fight it off.

If they only have a few spots like in your photos, its nothing to worry about. They don't seem to bother the chickens and eventually they will dry up and fall off.

Then your birds will be immune to that disease in the future.

If they get it worse - like over their eyes or in their beaks, then its more serious, but normally most cases are quite mild, so don't worry too much - I like to liken it to our children with chicken pox - but not itchy!


we have lots of mosquitoes here so it makes sense. Do you think putting garlic in their diet could help? Thanks for responding so quickly!

My chickens just got over the fowl pox a few weeks ago. I live in Thailand, and right now I am having problems with mosquitoes too. There were always a few around the coop, but now we have a lot of rain and I went to lock the coop door in the evening and there were thousands of them - they were all over me too, and the noise of their whining wings was very loud - I was shocked.

My poor birds must have been getting bitten all through the night. So I went to the local shop and bought a mosquito net (the kind used in our houses over our bed). I let slip to the shop owner that it was not for me - but for my chickens. Everyone though it was very funny. Most of the locals chickens just roost in trees or under the houses.

Now I throw the net over the small coop at night - making sure it goes to the ground. My birds must be getting a better nights sleep now!

I don't know if the garlic thing would work. You could try and let me know and I might try it. I hope it would not make my chickens smelly, but maybe they would taste nice when I roasted one! (not that I ever would - as they are my pets).
Thank you for helping! The "black spots" or fowl pox, have fallen off and no one has any!


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