Black Star Pullet? Barred Rock Pullet? Recently found out the other 2 of my chickens are cockerels!


7 Years
Jun 19, 2012
Already found out that 2 out of my 4 pullets are actually cockerels!! :( Will have to give them away.... What about these 2? One Black Star and the other is Barred Rock! The Black Star is about 2-3 months I believe and the Barred Rock is between 1 and 2 months?? It's probably pretty hard to determine but any thoughts??!!

Black Star-

Barred Rock-

The first one looks like a pullet to me and I would suspect the barred rock to be a roo just based on the amount of white in the barring. Females are much darker. But I'd give it a little more time to be sure.
Thanks I was pretty sure the first one was a pullet but sorta worried about the Barred Rock! Ya I'll wait and see! I don't want to have to give another away!! :(
the black star is a black sex link and its coloring says 110% girl while the barred one kinda looks more like a black sex link cockerel, either way barred rock or black sex link its a cockerel

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