Black Walnut Tree Mulch - Safe?


Mar 18, 2017
I’m looking into getting natural mulch for my chicken run. I know black walnut trees can be toxic to gardens but what about using the tree as mulch in a chicken run? Toxic to them? Toxic to my garden that is close by? Not worth the risk?
From everything I've read, it's the roots of black walnut trees that are toxic to some plants. The roots produce juglone, which can leach into the soil, up to 25' away. The only livestock that I've can have adverse effects are horses. I can't find anything specific to chickens. If it were me, I probably wouldn't risk it, only because I can't find anything saying it's fine. If others have used it with no adverse effects, feel free to chime in.
Being that it's toxic to horses and some other plants, it makes me not want to ever try it around chickens. So personally I wouldn't take the risk, however I also use cedar, which most people would say "do not use!" so I guess we all have different things we're willing to try.

Would the mulch be all black walnut or possibly some walnut mixed with other woods?
I wouldn't use it, personally. I have walnut trees and don't want to worry, so no walnut anything in the compost, garden, run, etc. I'd always be wondering if walnut was the reason something went wrong in the garden or with the chickens.

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