Blackhead Disease from Chickens...Egg Quality?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
My turkeys are dying one by one, didn't know about blackhead disease till today. Make a long story short, it's obvious they got it from our chickens. Besides the obvious steps I need to take with the turkeys, my question is, how does this affect the chicken egg quality? I'm really not comfortable eating eggs from chickens that have a disease. (Have at least 40 hens)
what makes you say they are getting it from the chicken

one thing to note is the recommended housing of Turkey and Chicken is to keep them well separated
I was just wondering the same thing.
I just had my tom dye and i'am guessing blackhead.

The three hens with him still seem to be ok for now.
They are still laying but I am only collecting eggs now for eating, no more incubation this year.

Are the eggs good to eat still?
My turkeys are dying one by one, didn't know about blackhead disease till today. Make a long story short, it's obvious they got it from our chickens. Besides the obvious steps I need to take with the turkeys, my question is, how does this affect the chicken egg quality? I'm really not comfortable eating eggs from chickens that have a disease. (Have at least 40 hens)
Your eggs are fine if you chickens are healthy looking/acting.

Kathy knows her poo. Believe me when I say that.
OMG, if you could actually see the sort of stuff I see/do *all* day long in my "poultry" hospital/labratory...



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