Blu kote on Featherless vent? Opinions


Jun 29, 2020
My S.W. has been without vent feathers for months now.. from what I witnessed the day before she went bare it was from a picker. I haven’t witnessed any feather picking since and I spend a lot of time with these girls. None of the girls show signs of mites or lice. Very clean environment and well taken care of.

Recently started noticing new quills coming in, so I made a hen saddle to protect the top end of her tail feathers and a little overhang to semi protect the vent area. But I want to do more, I’m furious she’s bald as she was beautiful prior & is my favorite and want her to have her feathers back.
Iv heard that if a feather is fully pulled out, it will start to immediately grow back, and iv been told it won’t till she molts. 3-5 months and just starting to see quills now so?

From some research my plan is too
1. treat the flock with ivomec. JUST to be sure.
2. cover the area with a spray of blu kote.
3. Add in poultry dust.

Opinions and recommendations?
Thanks :)


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How old is she?
If she is getting out of a molt, this would explain the feathers being gone and the new ones coming in. Pecking can happen more around molting times.
If she isn't bleeding or being pecked at now, I wouldn't use blukote, it won't help.
I would stop treats and just give them their feed to help the feathers grow faster, treats will slow down the feather production.
How old is she?
If she is getting out of a molt, this would explain the feathers being gone and the new ones coming in. Pecking can happen more around molting times.
If she isn't bleeding or being pecked at now, I wouldn't use blukote, it won't help.
I would stop treats and just give them their feed to help the feathers grow faster, treats will slow down the feather production.

She’s just at 13 months a few days ago.. one of the other girls, same age, is in the middle of a molt right now herself... I’m hoping she starts soon... and I put the blu kote on last night because the very tip of one of the quills coming in on the vent had a tiny dried blood drop on it. This way the dark purple color hides any red. And just to try and help avoid any picking as they re grow.

How about scrabble eggs for treats? Iv read a lot that the extra protein is good for feather growth, that’s all iv been giving them as a treat for a few weeks now.
From some research my plan is too
1. treat the flock with ivomec. JUST to be sure.
2. cover the area with a spray of blu kote.
3. Add in poultry dust.

Opinions and recommendations?
Thanks :)
She’s just at 13 months a few days ago.. one of the other girls, same age, is in the middle of a molt right now herself... I’m hoping she starts soon... and I put the blu kote on last night because the very tip of one of the quills coming in on the vent had a tiny dried blood drop on it. This way the dark purple color hides any red. And just to try and help avoid any picking as they re grow.

How about scrabble eggs for treats? Iv read a lot that the extra protein is good for feather growth, that’s all iv been giving them as a treat for a few weeks now.
You can give some eggs for a treat if you wish.

You mentioned using Ivomec and Poultry Dust. Do your birds have mites or lice?
Ivomec will treat lice/mites and so should Poultry Dust - using both I would not do. Dusting the nesting boxes, etc. would be o.k.

Looks like she was plucked, I see new growth coming in so hopefully those won't get plucked out too.
You can give some eggs for a treat if you wish.

You mentioned using Ivomec and Poultry Dust. Do your birds have mites or lice?
Ivomec will treat lice/mites and so should Poultry Dust - using both I would not do. Dusting the nesting boxes, etc. would be o.k.

Looks like she was plucked, I see new growth coming in so hopefully those won't get plucked out too.

Okay great, they LOVE the eggs. I’m new to chickens, so that took me by surprise as the whole, they make them thing lol. Even tho I shouldn’t be Iv seen them get into and eat everything from styrofoam to cardboard to eating a mouse whole.

And I really hope they do keep growing / progress. It bugs the heck out of me that she lost them. I did put a saddle on her to protect her from any picking, the way I made it, it kind of overhangs her vent area so it makes it harder for the other girls to get to and see that area. I also sprayed the area with the blu kote so that it keeps the skin a dark color.

I ended up treating them with the ivermectin to be safe, and I sprayed the coop with permetherin or however you spell it.

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