Blue/Black/Split Lavender bantam Cochin eggs...8+


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
These eggs are from a pen with 1 black mottled rooster and 1 lavender rooster. The hens are 1 blue, 1 blue mottled, 2 black mottled, 1 black frizzle, and 1 splash frizzle. The chicks should be blue, black, or split lavender, and possibly carry the mottle gene. Fertility and hatch rate has been good here at home, but I've never shipped eggs from this pen...this will be the first time. You can see my feedback here:
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I'm a cochin sucker!
Thanks for the kind words. Just to let everyone who's watching this auction (but not bidding) know...I have the lavender rooster up for sale and someone is very interested in him. So this will be my only set of eggs to offer which may include his genes.
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