Blue/Gray bantam identification?


Jul 17, 2023
Hello there! About 9 days ago, I bought 3 chicks and 2 ducks from my local TSC, and I've identified them all except for this one chick.

She's quiet, varying shades of gray("blue"), with some slight white streaks in her fuzz. She has pink toes but green legs, yellow skin, and a single comb. I've looked at Japanese bantams, to andulsians, and there's a chance she isn't a bantam, but she's really small. She's smaller than my cochin chick, and a bit bigger than my golden sebright chick. All the chicks at the time were mixed up, and there were only 3 of her same color there. She was in a bin of assorted wyandottes but there was also bantams mixed in it too.

Any ideas on breed?


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If it is a bantam I have three possibilities. 1 Hatchery quality blue old English game bantam 2 Easter egger bantam 3 blue Japanese bantam, if that variety is even available. Nothing else fits those traits. I think this one is going to take some time to tell what it is.
I don't think she's a bantam. She looks way too big compared to your hand for a bantam at that age in my opinion. I suspect she's a Sapphire Gem or similar blue hybrid.
After waiting a few days to see how she's feathering out more, I noticed she keeps her tail feathers high up like the Sebright chick, and her wing feathers somewhat low to the ground, so I think she might be a blue english bantam, however easter egger or sapphire gem are on the roster too.
If it is a bantam I have three possibilities. 1 Hatchery quality blue old English game bantam 2 Easter egger bantam 3 blue Japanese bantam, if that variety is even available. Nothing else fits those traits. I think this one is going to take some time to tell what it is.
I think she's a blue old english, due to the way she's carrying her feathers (Wings/tail), thank you for the response.

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