Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

can I get some advice please. this guy is just 7-8 months old and is really really big. the advice would like is how do I put him with some hens? he is really big and has never been with girls before so I am afraid he will hut them. is there some way to train him without him killing a hen?
can I get some advice please. this guy is just 7-8 months old and is really really big. the advice would like is how do I put him with some hens? he is really big and has never been with girls before so I am afraid he will hut them. is there some way to train him without him killing a hen?

that was kinda my thinking too. I do have a hen from Foley....she is the one that feathered back in partridge. I could put here with him. not sure she is squatting for the roo she is with though. do you think he needs SEVERAL GIRLS? maybe several will keep him entertained and give him some practice.

We think this little guy is a BLRW.
I was wondering if there is any reason my four BLRW would be more prone to chicken lice? They hang out with the entire flock, but it looks like JUST those 4 might have lice?

It is ONLY under their chin like that, same for all 4. But nobody else in the flock seems to have it and they spend just as much time hanging out and roosting with the other chickens as they do each other.
Karen my boy is 18 weeks and is still super sweet, however I have 2 year old hens that beat up on him regularly and 3- 22 week pullets (grrrrr how are they not laying by now!!!) that also stomp him reguarly. He is huge, he towers over all the hens and is kind of a dufus.
they are slow to mature, so he has time... he's just a 'backup' roo so he can learn to be a good free range roo in the meantime
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that was kinda my thinking too. I do have a hen from Foley....she is the one that feathered back in partridge. I could put here with him. not sure she is squatting for the roo she is with though. do you think he needs SEVERAL GIRLS? maybe several will keep him entertained and give him some practice.
I was wondering if there is any reason my four BLRW would be more prone to chicken lice? They hang out with the entire flock, but it looks like JUST those 4 might have lice?

It is ONLY under their chin like that, same for all 4. But nobody else in the flock seems to have it and they spend just as much time hanging out and roosting with the other chickens as they do each other.
You might just see it on the males ..but they all have it.
Looks like a hard case to get rid of and a ton of work cleaning coops..
Young cockerels no matter size need a few old hens to teach respect. I would not give him any show birds for a few months. The old girls need to do some training first.
Young cockerels no matter size need a few old hens to teach respect. I would not give him any show birds for a few months. The old girls need to do some training first.
agreed. my EE hen has done wonders with both my sfh roosters. LOL testing to see if she's letting them breed now, I set 24 eggs (hers and other ee's) on Saturday, so kinda too soon to see much thru those thick shells.

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