BO is lethargic, has pale comb, wattle


Aug 20, 2022
Colorado Springs, CO
One of my 2 year old BOs, in a mixed flock of five, has been acting strangely for several months. It started our by her just sitting around all day. She went through a minor molt about a month after I noticed that. After her bald spots got pecked on by a bully, she grew her feathers back in isolation from the bully. Now re-introduced into the flock, the lazy, sitting around behavior is continuing like before the molt. Now her comb and wattle is a light pink instead of the red it was before and during the molt (see photos). I didn't observe any mites or lice. All other hens seem fine. I rarely see her eat, but her poops are normal so she must be. Drinks fine. Hasn't laid an egg since just before the molt 8-10 weeks ago.

Now her only symptoms are lethargy, pale comb and wattle, no egg production. What's up with her?

1st picture: red comb, wattle, during molt.
2nd picture: pale (pink) comb, wattle.


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Give her some apple cider vinegar and electrolytes to help perk her up. could be a lot of things. consulting a vet could be a good idea, but avian vets are so sparce and cost about 3 fortunes. possibly internal parasites. there are some natural dewormers on amazon that seem to have pretty good reviews (such as Roosty's dewormer)
The pale comb is because she is not currently laying. Mine always take a break after a molt. My 2.5 year old girls will not start laying again until January. ( I don't add light in winter to give them their natural break) Also egg production drops off this time of year in general except for new pullets. Molting and regrowing feathers takes a lot of energy.

I don't know if something else could be going on. If' you've thoroughly checked her over: Crop empty first thing if the morning and full at night, No swelling of the undercarriage and poop looks OK then I wouldn't worry too much.
Pale comb is typical this time of year because they break laying during molt (which she is probably not fully out of yet).
One of my 2 year old BOs, in a mixed flock of five, has been acting strangely for several months. It started our by her just sitting around all day. She went through a minor molt about a month after I noticed that. After her bald spots got pecked on by a bully, she grew her feathers back in isolation from the bully. Now re-introduced into the flock, the lazy, sitting around behavior is continuing like before the molt. Now her comb and wattle is a light pink instead of the red it was before and during the molt (see photos). I didn't observe any mites or lice. All other hens seem fine. I rarely see her eat, but her poops are normal so she must be. Drinks fine. Hasn't laid an egg since just before the molt 8-10 weeks ago.

Now her only symptoms are lethargy, pale comb and wattle, no egg production. What's up with her?
Same hen you posted about back in September that had been feeling poorly for a couple of months beforehand?
If so, this has been going on for about 4 months or so?

Hasn't laid an egg since then really...

Hard to know what's happening with her. Molt can be hard on them, but it sounds like she was not well before molting.

Give her a good going over again as suggested. See that the crop is emptying overnight. Re-check for lice/mites and get a fecal float to see if worms are part of the problem.

Encourage her to eat her normal feed, offer tidbits of egg, fish or meat to entice her. Poultry Vitamins a couple of times week may be of benefit.

September 23rd post, approx 5 weeks ago...
About two months ago, one of by BOs started just sitting around most of the day instead of walking around. It's been a hot summer so I didn't think much of it. She's still doing it even though its cooled considerably. Now, for the third night in a row she decided to sleep in the nest box instead of the roost. Even when free ranging, which is the most exciting time of the day for the flock, she'll still spend some time sitting on the grass. She seems to walk fine (no limping) but sometimes I think "Did I see a limp there?" But if I did it was once, then fine.

Same hen you posted about back in September that had been feeling poorly for a couple of months beforehand?
If so, this has been going on for about 4 months or so?

Hasn't laid an egg since then really...

September 23rd post, approx 5 weeks ago...
Yes, Wyorp, it's the same set of issues. I didn't get much feedback on that one, and since the facts changed (feathers coming in now) I thought I should update, consolidate the facts, and repost.

Thanks everyone for your advice. Maybe she just needs more time, and I will try the Roosty's too. She's still alive, so...

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