

5 Years
Sep 11, 2017
we have had our chicks for about 10 weeks, one of them, a plymouth rock chick, nd she seems like she has botulism, she has weekness in her legs, but shes not picked on,
she doesn't do much during the day, and sometimes she'll shake her head slightly for a few seconds like somethings on her head, anything i can do??
im not sure yet... she hasn't been around ANYTHING spoiled so its really hard to say..
we have had our chicks for about 10 weeks, one of them, a plymouth rock chick, nd she seems like she has botulism, she has weekness in her legs, but shes not picked on,
she doesn't do much during the day, and sometimes she'll shake her head slightly for a few seconds like somethings on her head, anything i can do??

Hi @shailey

Can you post some photos or a video of her?
What does her poop look like?
What type of food/treats are you feeding?
Where is she housed?
Can you explain the weakness in her legs - has she lost the use of them, is she walking on her hocks, does one or both legs not work, do they seem to be paralyzed, etc.?

Check her over for lice/mites, look in her ears to make sure the head shaking is not an ear infections or ear mites. Look at her legs and feet for any signs of bruising, cuts, swelling or injury (look at the bottom of the feet as well).

10wks old and having leg weakness can be a number of things - Coccidiosis comes to mind - symptoms include loss of balance, loose droppings with mucous or blood, lethargy, huddling and having a fluffed up appearance. Vitamin/Nutritional deficiency is another possibility or she may have an illness like Marek's. It's very hard to know what's going on. If you have a vet that can perform a fecal float that would be helpful.

Do your best to keep her hydrated, and see that she is eating her chick starter.
Keep us posted.
she and the other chicks are in our back yard a wall away from the hens, at the moment there eatting corn, every where was sold out of chick starter so im going to get some this week end, ill try and et a video of her as of now.
we think we have found out whats wrong with the little hen, she seems to have a Vitamin E deficiency thank you for your help! :)
Hopefully it is a vitamin deficiency, but as WP posted, it sometimes is hard to tell one thing from another. Mareks can be common at that age, but coccidiosis is also, and the weakness it causes can at first look like Mareks. Describing all symptoms can be helpful. With a lame or weak chicken, it is best to keep them as close to their food and water as possible, or they can dehydrate or starve. Chicken slings can be helpful for a few hours at a time. Be sure and treat her with a multivitamin that has E, but also B complex (thiamine, riboflavin, etc.) If you suspect coccidiosis which may cause mucousy diarrhea, lethargy, hunched or puffed up posture and poor appetite, get Corid from your feed store. Here is some reading for you: Management/43/symptoms-and-diagnosis/
her poop, is normal just like the other chicks, its looking more like vitamin deficiency becuase we have been feeding them just corn for a little now, there's been no chick feed at my stores, we're getting some soon today..
They would be better off with layer feed for a short period than corn. If the pellets are too big for them you can always soak them in water to make a mash. Corn is low in protein and many other essential nutrients that growing chicks need. You also need to make sure they have access to grit so that they can digest it. Whilst layer feed is too high in calcium for them long term, a short period of a week or so, will not harm them in my experience and at least it contains more protein than corn for their growing bodies and is easier to digest.

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