Boy or girl budgie?

They are a bit young to gender ID. As they mature the cere on the females will become more brown while the cere on any males will become more blue.
As far as gender goes, for now I couldn't tell you for sure, they are young. The part that was mentioned earlier about any male cere turning blue is not true. Recessive pieds, albino and lutino males never get a blue cere, they will stay pink their entire lives. I just recently learned this from a breeder on here, I have a recessive pied male who I have had for 3 years and thought was a female. I also just bought a new one that is 12 weeks old, The same breeder told me it was a female, it's cere at this age is white and she is a yellow face opaline.
Beautiful birdies, sis!
I agree, it's a little early to know for sure, and certain mutations have different cere colors. (as opposed to the blue=male, pink=female articles you'll read) Personally, I'm almost tempted to guess males at this point.
I don't see any white circles around the nostrils, either. Another thing, males bob their heads a lot, aren't generally territorial/bitey/crabby, and are overall more vocal. (from what I've seen anyway - I'm not an expert
) Keep in mind that I could be in error.

Beautiful birdies, sis!
I agree, it's a little early to know for sure, and certain mutations have different cere colors. (as opposed to the blue=male, pink=female articles you'll read) Personally, I'm almost tempted to guess males at this point.
I don't see any white circles around the nostrils, either. Another thing, males bob their heads a lot, aren't generally territorial/bitey/crabby, and are overall more vocal. (from what I've seen anyway - I'm not an expert
) Keep in mind that I could be in error.


Ok thanks.
Beautiful birdies, sis!
I agree, it's a little early to know for sure, and certain mutations have different cere colors. (as opposed to the blue=male, pink=female articles you'll read) Personally, I'm almost tempted to guess males at this point.
I don't see any white circles around the nostrils, either. Another thing, males bob their heads a lot, aren't generally territorial/bitey/crabby, and are overall more vocal. (from what I've seen anyway - I'm not an expert
) Keep in mind that I could be in error.


Oh and congrats on getting the badge.
What is their sounds, I think my cousin (@Alexandra33 ) might know? She has birds like those, I pretty sure that they are both males? They really look like parakeets.

Budgies has a different meaning this side of the pond. What you are referring to as a parakeet is commonly called a America budgie and what you would call a budgie is referred to as a English budgie. Now even different areas use different terms so one pet store will list it as a parakeet and the next as a budgie. In general English budgies are call English budgies to avoid confusion especially as they are a lot more expensive. You also have the dreaded budgie cross that's a mix between the two different types and is often passed of as a English or a large parakeet.

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