Brabanter looks more Polish


8 Years
Apr 7, 2015
Renton, Washington
Shes really sweet, adorable, and I have no plans to breed her (at least not anytime soon) but I was wondering since I got her if she really is a cream brabanter(as advertised) cause she doesnt look like the pics I see online. It wasn't till I saw a pic of a golden laced polish that I thought "that looks like my Bowser!"

I am also aware that brabanters have been a bit muddied, especialy by the polish gene, but this is my first set of chicks and I'm so new to the process of them growing and changing and all that. Anyway lets get to the pics




These are all at about 3-3 1/2 weeks. They were all supposed to be the same age but shes bigger than the others (welsummer, cuckoo maran, leghorn). What do you guys think? I love the cute little mohawk the way it is now/on true brabanters but it doesnt seem to be going in that direction, and the polish have those huge floofs so I guess it could turn into that?

If anything is unclear let me know I'll try to get some better pics tonight.

Also she is very cheerful, adventurous, spunky, and brave, are these more of a polish trait or a brabanter trait?
The crest doesn't look polish, sometimes the adult coloration is different than the chick feathers, it might just be poorly colored as well, I do think it's a brabanter.
The Mohawk would go back farther on the head, a polish crest covers the whole head, brabanter only go about to the middle of the skull.
Still not sure about her, I mean she is hatchery stock as far as I know but I still think she looks more polish from images I've googled. The only thing is that her face looks so curious and sweet like the brabanters.



It looking more like a cross between the two. The crest is too big for a brabanter, but not far back as a polish crest goes.

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