Bragging on my rooster

Here he is...I waited until all of his tail feathers grew back after the attack. He still has a slight limp but that's going to stay with him the rest of his life I suppose. He has truly become a great protector and up to this point has become the best rooster I have ever had. He has actually gotten more social with me since the attack....guess maybe he remembers I saved his life. He will eat out of my hand on occasion now where he used to avoid me.

Awww he is such a lovely and good boy! I am glad he has survived and friendlier with you too.
My roosters are way too small to defend against a dog or any large predator. They do a great job of watching for Hawks and alerting the flock. I rarely lose any birds to the big big hawks.
My roosters are way too small to defend against a dog or any large predator. They do a great job of watching for Hawks and alerting the flock. I rarely lose any birds to the big big hawks.
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What a handsome rooster!
Is he a Serama or Japanese Bantam.
How loud is his crow? I am asking because I live in an area where rooster is not allowed. A not so loud rooster might work for my area.
What a handsome rooster!
Is he a Serama or Japanese Bantam.
How loud is his crow? I am asking because I live in an area where rooster is not allowed. A not so loud rooster might work for my area.
The rooster is a booted serama. His crow is medium, but his brother has a soft Crow which would be fine in town. This serama pair is in the house. The crow is soft. Many serama have a very loud Crow so if you get one make sure it is an adult where you know what the crow sounds like.
What a handsome rooster!
Is he a Serama or Japanese Bantam.
How loud is his crow? I am asking because I live in an area where rooster is not allowed. A not so loud rooster might work for my area.
I have a video that shows what my rooster crows like. I am not able to put it on here, but I could send it to you if you wish.
I have a video that shows what my rooster crows like. I am not able to put it on here, but I could send it to you if you wish.
If you want to put video on you need to load it on youtube first, from there put a link here. Don't worry about it if you can not. I am good.

Do you think his crow is louder than a hen egg song? Hen egg song can be very loud.

I just read your earlier post. Serama definitely not as loud as a standard size rooster.
So yesterday I had a stray dog show up with bad intentions....I live in the country so he had to come from a long ways. Anyway, I hear a commotion outside and go out to 1 dead hen and feathers everywhere. I did not take anything to defend the flock but my new to me rooster was fighting and defending the flock the best he knew how. I intervened just as the interloper grabbed Bob in his mouth...He dropped him once I arrived and fled. I figured Bob was done for as he ran under the bushes and collapsed. Fast forward about 3 hours...I was honestly thinking I was going to have to put him out of his misery but he was standing up and was somewhat alert so I left him alone....another 2 hours goes by and he's out from under the bushes and eating and drinking!! He looks pretty rough and limping around but he was crowing this morning!! I left them locked up today so that maybe he can recover some. To sum it up....a rooster in a free range flock is invaluable!! Without Bob I feel certain that a lot more of my flock would have been killed. Everyone hug your rooster today!! :)
Glad no one else was injured. I recently had a similar experience with my rooster Lee. A hawk decided to come looking for his supper when it had started snowing but luckily all the chickens were in the coop out of snow. Lee ran out of the coop and puffed up and ran toward the hawk and then the hawk got scared and took off.
If you want to put video on you need to load it on youtube first, from there put a link here. Don't worry about it if you can not. I am good.

Do you think his crow is louder than a hen egg song? Hen egg song can be very loud.

I just read your earlier post. Serama definitely not as loud as a standard size rooster.
I do not know how to do the video thing. The crow is not as loud as a egg song.

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