Brahma lemon pyle


In the Brooder
May 9, 2024
Hi, we are supposed to buy 2 of these chickens this Sunday. I woul like to ask you if they are purebred? Can you see some pullets among them? We hope to pick some :) Thank you.


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I don't know if they are purebreds but you can already see which ones are not pullets. 😆. At least in the first pic the ones in the middle look like they could be pullets.
I don't know if they are purebreds but you can already see which ones are not pullets. 😆. At least in the first pic the ones in the middle look like they could be pullets.
Thank you very much. We are total beginners - these chicks will be our first ones, so we are just searching the internet to try to learn how to distinguish between sexes...
They don't look lemon enough to be purebred, and lemon pyle pullets definitely shouldn't have any black on them. So I'd avoid any with black, and try to get one that's mostly feathered. Cockerels tend to feather in later than pullets, so if you get one that has a nice full tail, there's more of a chance of it being female. The combs are pretty hard to tell apart at this age, but the smaller and paler it is, the more likely it's a pullet.
They don't look lemon enough to be purebred, and lemon pyle pullets definitely shouldn't have any black on them. So I'd avoid any with black, and try to get one that's mostly feathered. Cockerels tend to feather in later than pullets, so if you get one that has a nice full tail, there's more of a chance of it being female. The combs are pretty hard to tell apart at this age, but the smaller and paler it is, the more likely it's a pullet.
Thank you very much !

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