I got 4 brahma chicks from eggs that supposedly came from a red Pyle couple (I saw them and they looked the real deal) but the pullets have a bunch off colours - one looks red pyle, one almost lemon Pyle, one splash, one grey/blue - I'm not as familiarised with brahma colours as other breeds but this seems to me a bit strange. Also the lemon Pyle lookalike and the splash have slate shanks and feet. I thought that brahmas had yellow feet ( has the other two have).
I can't post photos right now but this is nagging me since morning (here).
I got 4 brahma chicks from eggs that supposedly came from a red Pyle couple (I saw them and they looked the real deal) but the pullets have a bunch off colours - one looks red pyle, one almost lemon Pyle, one splash, one grey/blue - I'm not as familiarised with brahma colours as other breeds but this seems to me a bit strange. Also the lemon Pyle lookalike and the splash have slate shanks and feet. I thought that brahmas had yellow feet ( has the other two have).
I can't post photos right now but this is nagging me since morning (here).