Brahma rooster still getting pecked


Jul 14, 2024
I have tried EVERYTHING! My latest being poultry tar, as soon as the feathers on his legs start to poke out they peck them. It's not constant, quite random during the day but I watched them on the roost one evening, and there he was standing (unfortunately🤦🏼‍♀️) allowing the one who'd bullied her way to be beside him, to peck away! I am now seperating them in the evening and for the night. Will they forget about it when his feathers grow back or would he be better with hens of his own breed? He is so good natured I would hate to rehome him but I am finding it hard to manage.
I have tried EVERYTHING! My latest being poultry tar, as soon as the feathers on his legs start to poke out they peck them. It's not constant, quite random during the day but I watched them on the roost one evening, and there he was standing (unfortunately🤦🏼‍♀️) allowing the one who'd bullied her way to be beside him, to peck away! I am now seperating them in the evening and for the night. Will they forget about it when his feathers grow back or would he be better with hens of his own breed? He is so good natured I would hate to rehome him but I am finding it hard to manage.
Put pinless peepers on your hens. They work. Here's where you can purchase them:
I have witnessed hens on the roost picking feathers of other chickens or my rooster. Sometimes feather legged chickens will pick out their own feathers, especially if they are getting some irritation from leg mites. Are your hens getting a balanced chicken feed that has 16-20% protein? Limit any treats of corn, scratch or other things that can reduce protein in their diet. Sometimes hens will eat feathers for more protein. Giving a treat of scrambled eggs or a can of rinsed flaked tuna, can add protein to the diet.
I just checked there and the pellets I have are only 16%. They do get alot of treats too! I do give them tuna and scrambled egg occasionally. I will cut out the other treats and get pellets with a higher protein value. Thanks so much
Another thought is how old is this rooster? If he is under a year old this could simply be the hens making sure they know his place in the pecking order.
Another thought is how old is this rooster? If he is under a year old this could simply be the hens making sure they know his place in the pecking order.
He is 18 months old and the hens are around 9months. I think he is too nice to them if anything! He never retaliates and is afraid of his own shadow. I surprised him coming out of the coop today and he literally fell over! 🤭
He is 18 months old and the hens are around 9months. I think he is too nice to them if anything! He never retaliates and is afraid of his own shadow. I surprised him coming out of the coop today and he literally fell over! 🤭
Is the hen that is attacking him laying?

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